
Quick link below to specific publication year:


Quantum spin ice in three-dimensional Rydberg atom arrays

Jeet Shah, Gautam Nambiar, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Victor Galitski

American Physical Society, 2025

Limitations to Dynamical Error Suppression and Gate-Error Virtualization from Temporally Correlated Nonclassical Noise

Michiel Burgelman, Nattaphong Wonglakhon, Diego N. Bernal-Garc´ıa, Gerardo A. Paz-Silva, and Lorenza Viola

PRX Quantum, 2025

Resilience–Runtime Tradeoff Relations for Quantum Algorithms

Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos, Tom O’Leary, Tanmoy Biswas, Jacob Bringewatt, Lukasz Cincio, Lucas T. Brady, and Yi-Kai Liu

IOP Science, 2025

Optimizing Qubit Control Pulses for State Preparation

Annika S. Wiening, J¨orn Bergendahl, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Peter Nalbach

Springer Nature, 2025

Streaming quantum state purification

Andrew M. Childs, Honghao Fu, Debbie Leung, Zhi Li, Maris Ozols, and Vedang Vyas

Quantum, 2025

Maximizing free energy gain

Artemy Kolchinsky, Iman Marvian, Can Gokler, Zi-Wen Liu, Peter Shor, Oles Shtanko, Kevin Thompson, David Wolpert, and Seth Lloyd

MDPI, 2025

Observation of a finite-energy phase transition in a one-dimensional quantum simulator

Alexander Schuckert, Or Katz, Lei Feng, Eleanor Crane, Arinjoy De, Mohammad Hafezi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Christopher Monroe

Nature Physics, 2025

Efficient Frequency Allocation for Superconducting Quantum Processors Using Improved Optimization Techniques

Zewen Zhang, Pranav Gokhale, and Jeffrey M. Larson

American Physical Society, 2025

Toward a 2D Local Implementation of Quantum LDPC Codes

Noah Berthusen, ∗ Dhruv Devulapalli, Eddie Schoute, Andrew M. Childs, Michael J. Gullans, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Daniel Gottesman

PRX Quantum, 2025

Benchmarking quantum computers

Timothy Proctor, Kevin Young, Andrew D. Baczewski and Robin Blume-Kohout

Nature Reviews Physics, 2025

Unorthodox parallelization for Bayesian quantum state estimation

Hanson H. Nguyen, Kody J. H. Law, and Joseph M. Lukens

Exploring the Nexus of Many-Body Theories through Neural Network Techniques: the Tangent Model

Senwei Liang, Karol Kowalski, Chao Yang, Nicholas P. Bauman

Optimal asymptotic precision bounds for nonlinear quantum metrology under collective dephasing

Francisco Riberi and Lorenza Viola


Quantum thermodynamics of nonequilibrium processes in lattice gauge theories

Zohreh Davoudi, Christopher Jarzynski Niklas Mueller, Greeshma Oruganti, Connor Powers, and Nicole Yunger Halpern

American Physical Society, 2024

Effective Many-body Interactions in Reduced-Dimensionality Spaces Through Neural Network Models

Senwei Liang, Karol Kowalski, Chao Yang, Nicholas P. Bauman

American Physical Society, 2024

HamLib: A library of Hamiltonians for benchmarking quantum algorithms and hardware

Nicolas PD Sawaya, Daniel Marti-Dafcik, Yang Ho, Daniel P Tabor, David Bernal, Alicia B Magann, Shavindra Premaratne, Pradeep Dubey, Anne Matsuura, Nathan Bishop, Wibe A de Jong, Simon Benjamin, Ojas D Parekh, Norm Tubman, Katherine Klymko, Daan Camps

Quantum, 2024

Efficient quantum linear solver algorithm with detailed running costs

David Jennings, Matteo Lostaglio, Sam Pallister, Andrew T Sornborger, Yiğit Subaşı

Quantum, 2024

Entanglement-enabled advantage for learning a bosonic random displacement channel

Changhun Oh, Senrui Chen, Yat Wong, Sisi Zhou, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Jens A.H. Nielsen, Zheng-Hao Liu, Jonas S. Neergaard-Nielsen, Ulrik L. Andersen, Liang Jiang, and John Preskill

Physical Review Letters, 2024

Projective toric designs, quantum state designs, and mutually unbiased bases

Joseph T. Iosue, T. C. Mooney, Adam Ehrenberg, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Quantum, 2024

Realization of 1D Anyons with arbitrary statistical phase

Joyce Kwan, Perrin Segura, Yanfei Li, Sooshin Kim, Alexey V. Gorshkov, André Eckardt, Brice Bakkali-Hassani, Markus Greiner

Science, 2024

Expressiveness of Commutative Quantum Circuits: A Probabilistic Approach

Jorge Ramirez, Elaine Wong, Caio Alves, Sarah Chehade and Ryan Bennink

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2024

QHDOPT: A Software for Nonlinear Optimization with Quantum Hamiltonian Descent

Samuel Kushnir, Jiaqi Leng, Yuxiang Peng, Lei Fan, and Xiaodi Wu

INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024

Variational quantum state preparation for quantum-enhanced metrology in noisy systems

Juan C. Zu˜niga Castro, Jeffrey Larson, Sri Hari Krishna Narayanan, Victor E. Colussi, Michael A. Perlin and Robert J. Lewis-Swan

Physical Review Journal, 2024

Scattering wave packets of hadrons in gauge theories: Preparation on a quantum computer

Zohreh Davoudi, Chung-Chun Hsieh, Saurabh V. Kadam

Quantum, 2024

Quantum-centric Supercomputing for Materials Science: A Perspective on Challenges and Future Directions

Yuri Alexeev, Maximilian Amsler, Marco Antonio Barroca, Sanzio Bassini, Torey Battelle, Daan Camps, David Casanova, Young Jai Choi, Frederic T. Chong, Charles Chung, Christopher Codella, Antonio D. C´orcoles, James Cruise, Alberto Di Meglio, Ivan Duran, Thomas Eckl, Sophia Economou, Stephan Eidenbenz, Bruce Elmegreen, Clyde Fare, Ismael Faro, Cristina Sanz Fern´andez, Rodrigo Neumann Barros Ferreira, Keisuke Fuji, Bryce Fuller, Laura Gagliardi, Giulia Galli, Jennifer R. Glick, Isacco Gobbi, Pranav Gokhale, Salvador de la Puente Gonzalez, Johannes Greiner, Bill Gropp, Michele Grossi, Emanuel Gull, Burns Healy, Matthew R. Hermes, Benchen Huang, Travis S. Humble, Nobuyasu Ito, Artur F. Izmaylov, Ali Javadi-Abhari, Douglas Jennewein, Shantenu Jha, Liang Jiang, Barbara Jones, Wibe Albert de Jong, Petar Jurcevic, William Kirby, Stefan Kister, Masahiro Kitagawa, Joel Klassen, Katherine Klymko, Kwangwon Koh, Masaaki Kondo, Do˜ga Murat K¨urk¸c¨uo˜glu, Krzysztof Kurowski, Teodoro Laino, Ryan Landfield, Matt Leininger, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Ang Li, Meifeng Lin, Junyu Liu, Nicolas Lorente, Andre Luckow, Simon Martiel, Francisco Martin-Fernandez, Margaret Martonosi, Claire Marvinney, Arcesio Castaneda Medina, Dirk Merten, Antonio Mezzacapo, Kristel Michielsen, Abhishek Mitra, Tushar Mittal, Kyungsun Moon, Joel Moore, Sarah Mostame, Mario Motta, Young-Hye Na, Yunseong Nam, Prineha Narang, Yu-ya Ohnishi, Daniele Ottaviani, Matthew Otten, Scott Pakin, Vincent R. Pascuzzi, Edwin Pednault, Tomasz Piontek, Jed Pitera, Patrick Rall, Gokul Subramanian Ravi, Niall Robertson, Matteo A. C. Rossi, Piotr Rydlichowski, Hoon Ryu, Georgy Samsonidze, Mitsuhisa Sato, Nishant Saurabh, Vidushi Sharma, Kunal Sharma, Soyoung Shin, George Slessman, Mathias Steiner, Iskandar Sitdikov, In-Saeng Suh, Eric D. Switzer, Wei Tang, Joel Thompson, Synge Todo, Minh C. Tran, Dimitar Trenev, Christian Trott, Huan-Hsin Tseng, Norm M. Tubman, Esin Tureci, David Garc´ıa Vali˜nas, Sofia Vallecorsa, Christopher Wever, Konrad Wojciechowski, Xiaodi Wu, Shinjae Yoo, Nobuyuki Yoshioka, Victor Wen-zhe Yu, Seiji Yunoki, Sergiy Zhuk, and Dmitry Zubarev

Future Generation Computer Systems, 2024

Binary Quantum Control Optimization with Uncertain Hamiltonians

Xinyu Feia, Lucas T. Brady, Jeffrey Larson, Sven Leyffer, and Siqian Shen

INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024

A Novel Noise-Aware Classical Optimizer for Variational Quantum Algorithms

Jeffrey Larson, Matt Menickelly, and Jiahao Shi

INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2024

Explicit Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Certain Sparse Matrices

Daan Camps, Lin Lin, Roel Van Beeumen, Chao Yang

Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2024

Limitations for Quantum Algorithms to Solve Turbulent and Chaotic Systems

Dylan Lewis, Stephan Eidenbenz, Balasubramanya Nadiga, and Yiğit Subaşı

Quantum, 2024

Realistic Cost to Execute Practical Quantum Circuits using Direct Clifford+T Lattice Surgery Compilation

Tyler LeBlond, Christopher Dean, George Watkins, Ryan S. Bennink

Association for Computing Machinery, 2024

Maximizing information obtainable by quantum sensors through the Quantum Zeno Effect

Bruno Ronchi, Analia Zwick, and Gonzalo A. Álvarez

American Physical Society, 2024

Feedback-based quantum algorithms for ground state preparation

James B. Larsen, Matthew D. Grace, Andrew D. Baczewski, Alicia B. Magann

American Physical Society, 2024

Quantum routing with teleportation

Dhruv Devulapalli, Eddie Schoute, Aniruddha Bapat, Andrew M. Childs, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Research, 2024

Microwave signal processing using an anolog quantum reservoir computer

Alen Senanian1, Sridhar Prabhu1, Vladimir Kremenetski, Saswata Roy, Yingkang Cao, Jeremy Kline1, Tatsuhiro Onodera, Logan G. Wright, Xiaodi Wu, Valla Fatemi, Peter L. McMahon

Nature Communications, 2024

Quantum sensing with erasure qubits

Pradeep Niroula, Jack Dolde, Xin Zheng, Jacob Bringewatt, Adam Ehrenberg, Kevin C. Cox, Jeff Thompson, Michael J. Gullans, Shimon Kolkowitz, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Letters, 2024

Entanglement spectrum of matchgate circuits with universal and non-universal resources

Andrew M. Projansky, Joshuah T. Heath, and James D. Whitfield

Quantum, 2024

Simulating Chemistry on Bosonic Quantum Devices

Rishab Dutta, Delmar G. A. Cabral, Ningyi Lyu, Nam P. Vu, Yuchen Wang, Brandon Allen, Xiaohan Dan, Rodrigo G. Corti˜nas, Pouya Khazaei, Max Sch¨afer, Alejandro C. C. d. Albornoz, Scott E. Smart, Scott Nie, Michel H. Devoret, David A. Mazziotti, Prineha Narang, Chen Wang, James D. Whitfield, Angela K. Wilson, Heidi P. Hendrickson, Daniel A. Lidar, Francisco P´erez-Bernal, Lea F. Santos, Sabre Kais, Eitan Geva, Victor S. Batista

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2024

Estimation of Hamiltonian parameters from thermal states

Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos, Kishor Bharti, Jacob Bringewatt, Hossein Dehghani, Adam Ehrenberg, Nicole Yunger Halpern, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

American Physical Society, 2024

Switching time optimization for binary quantum optimal control

Xinyu Fei, Lucas T. Brady, Jeffrey Larson, Sven Leyffer, Siqian Shen

Association for Computing Machinery, 2024

Exponential quantum space advantage for approximating maximum directed cut in the streaming model

John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh, Nadezhda Voronova

ACM Digital Library, 2024

Local minima in quantum systems

Chi-Fang Chen, Hsin-Yuan Huang, John Preskill, Leo Zhou

Association for Computing Machinery, 2024

Evidence of scaling advantage for the quantum approximate optimization algorithm on a classically intractable problem

Ruslan Shaydulin, Changhao Li, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Matthew DeCross, Dylan Herman, Niraj Kumar, Jeffrey Larson, Danylo Lykov, Pierre Minssen, Yue Sun, Yuri Alexeev, Joan M. Dreiling, John P. Gaebler, Thomas M. Gatterman, Justin A. Gerber, Kevin Gilmore, Dan Gresh, Nathan Hewitt, Chandler V. Horst, Shaohan Hu, Jacob Johansen, Mitchell Matheny, Tanner Mengle, Michael Mills, Steven A. Moses, Brian Neyenhuis, Peter Siegfried, Romina Yalovetzky, Marco Pistoia

Science Advances, 2024

Dissipation induced extended-localized transition

Yaru Liu, Zeqing Wang, Chao Yang, Jianwen Jie, and Yucheng Wang

American Physical Society, 2024

Limits on the Evolutionary Rates of Biological Traits

Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos

Nature, 2024

Denoising and Extension of Response Functions in the Time Domain

Alexander F. Kemper, Chao Yang, and Emanuel Gull

American Physical Society, 2024

Optical quantum memory for noble-gas spins based on spin-exchange collisions

Or Katz, Roy Shaham, Eran Reches, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Ofer Firstenberg

Physical Review Journal, 2022

Differentiable Analog Quantum Computing for Optimization and Control

Jiaqi Leng, Yuxiang Peng, Yi-Ling Qiao, Ming C. Lin, Xiaodi Wu

ACM Digital Library, 2024

Enhanced estimation of quantum properties with common randomized measurements

Benoˆıt Vermersch, Aniket Rath, Bharathan Sundar, Cyril Branciard, John Preskill, and Andreas Elben

PRX Quantum, 2024

Demonstrating a long-coherence dual-rail erasure qubit using tunable transmons

H. Levine, A. Haim, J.S.C. Hung, N. Alidoust, M. Kalaee, L. DeLorenzo, E. A. Wollack, P. Arrangoiz-Arriola, A. Khalajhedayati, R. Sanil, H. Moradinejad, Y. Vaknin, A. Kubica, D. Hover, S. Aghaeimeibodi, J. A. Alcid, C. Baek, J. Barnett, K. Bawdekar, P. Bienias, H. A. Carson, C. Chen, L. Chen, H. Chinkezian, E. M. Chisholm, A. Clifford, R. Cosmic, N. Crisosto, A. M. Dalzell, E. Davis, J. M. D’Ewart, S. Diez, N. D’Souza, P. T. Dumitrescu, E. Elkhouly, M. T. Fang, Y. Fang, S. Flammia, M. J. Fling, G. Garcia, M. K. Gharzai, A. V. Gorshkov, M. J. Gray, S. Grimberg, A. L. Grimsmo, C. T. Hann, Y. He, S. Heidel, S. Howell, M. Hunt, J. Iverson, I. Jarrige, L. Jiang, W. M. Jones, R. Karabalin, P. J. Karalekas, A. J. Keller, D. Lasi, M. Lee, V. Ly, G. MacCabe, N. Mahuli, G. Marcaud, M. H. Matheny, S. McArdle, G. McCabe, G. Merton, C. Miles, A. Milsted, A. Mishra, L. Moncelsi, M. Naghiloo, K. Noh, E. Oblepias, G. Ortuno, J. C. Owens, J. Pagdilao, A. Panduro, J.-P. Paquette, R. N. Patel, G. Peairs, D. J. Perello, E. C. Peterson, S. Ponte, H. Putterman, G. Refael, P. Reinhold, R. Resnick, A. Reyna, R. Rodriguez, J. Rose, A. H. Rubin, M. Runyan, A. Ryan, A. Sahmoud, T. Scaffidi, Shah, S. Siavoshi, P. Sivarajah, T. Skogland, C.-J. Su, J. Swenson, J. Sylvia, S. M. Teo, A. Tomada, G. Torlai, M. Wistrom, K. Zhang, I. Zuk, A. A. Clerk, F.G.S.L. Brand˜ao, A. Retzker, and O. Painter

American Physical Society, 2024

Optimizing Shot Assignment in Variational Quantum Eigensolver Measurement

Linghua Zhu, Senwei Liang, Chao Yang, and Xiaosong Li

ACS Publications, 2024

High-Energy Collision of Quarks and Mesons in the Schwinger Model: From Tensor Networks to Circuit QED

Ron Belyansky, Seth Whitsitt, Niklas Mueller, Ali Fahimniya, Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Zohreh Davoudi, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Letters, 2024

Improved machine learning algorithm for predicting ground state properties

Laura Lewis, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Viet T. Tran, Sebastian Lehner, Richard Kueng, and John Preskill

Nature Communications, 2024

Error-correcting codes for fermionic quantum simulation

Yu-An Chen, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Yijia Xu

SciPost Physics, 2024

A Case for Synthesis of Recursive Quantum Unitary Programs

Haowei Deng, Runzhou Tao, Yuxiang Peng, Xiaodi Wu

ACM Digital Library, 2024

SimuQ: A Framework for Programming Quantum Hamiltonian Simulation with Anolog Compilation

Yuxiang Peng, Jacob Young, Pengyu Liu, Xiaodi Wu

ACM Digital Library, 2024

Correlated Noise Estimation with Quantum Sensor Networks

Anthony J. Brady, Yu-Xin Wang (王语馨), Victor V. Albert, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Quntao Zhuang

AC/DC: Automated Compilation for Dynamic Circuits

Siyuan Niu, Efekan K¨okc¨u, Anupam Mitra, Aaron Szasz, Akel Hashim, Justin Kalloor, Wibe Albert de Jong, Costin Iancu, and Ed Younis

Robust analog quantum simulators by quantum error-detecting codes

Yingkang Cao, Suying Liu, Haowei Deng, Zihan Xia, Xiaodi Wu, and Yu-Xin Wang (王语馨)

Exact Model Reduction for Continuous-Time Open Quantum Dynamics

Tommaso Grigoletto, Yukuan Tao, Francesco Ticozzi, and Lorenza Viola

Real-Time Scattering in Ising Field Theory using Matrix Product States

Raghav G. Jha, Ashley Milsted, Dominik Neuenfeld, John Preskill, and Pedro Vieira

String-Breaking Dynamics in Quantum Adiabatic and Diabatic Processes

Federica Maria Surace, Alessio Lerose, Or Katz, Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Alexander Schuckert, De Luo, Arinjoy De, Brayden Ware, William Morong, Kate Collins, Christopher Monroe, Zohreh Davoudi, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Fermion-qubit fault-tolerant quantum computing

Alexander Schuckert, Eleanor Crane, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Mohammad Hafezi, and Michael J. Gullans

Enhancement of Rydberg Blockade via Microwave Dressing

Deniz Kurdak, Patrick R. Banner, Yaxin Li, Sean R. Muleady, Alexey V. Gorshkov, S. L. Rolston, and J. V. Porto

Classical Pre-optimization Approach for ADAPT-VQE: Maximizing the Potential of High-Performance Computing Resources to Improve Quantum Simulation of Chemical Applications

J. Wayne Mullinax, Panagiotis G. Anastasiou, Jeffrey Larson, Sophia E. Economou, and Norm M. Tubman

On the Computational Complexity of Schrödinger Operators

Yufan Zheng, Jiaqi Leng, Yizhou Liu5, and Xiaodi Wu

Optimal Routing Protocols for Reconfigurable Atom Arrays

Nathan Constantinides, Ali Fahimniya, Dhruv Devulapalli, Dolev Bluvstein, Michael J. Gullans, J. V. Porto, Andrew M. Childs, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Low-depth quantum symmetrization

Zhenning Liu, Andrew M. Childs, and Daniel Gottesman

Laplace transform based quantum eigenvalue transformation via linear combination of Hamiltonian simulation

Dong An, Andrew M. Childs, Lin Lin, Lexing Ying

Quantum Programmable Reflections

Eddie Schoute, Dmitry Grinko, Yi˘git Suba¸ and Tyler Volkoff

Efficient preparation of Dicke states

Jeffery Yu, Sean R. Muleady, Yu-Xin Wang (王语馨), Nathan Schine, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Andrew M. Childs

On additive error approximations to #BQP

Mason L. Rhodes, Sam Slezak, Anirban Chowdhury, and Yiğit Subaşı

Differentiable Quantum Computing for Large-scale Linear Control

Connor Clayton, Jiaqi Leng, Gengzhi Yang, Yi-Ling Qiao, Ming C. Lin, Xiaodi Wu

When can classical neural networks represent quantum states?

Tai-Hsuan Yang, Mehdi Soleimanifar, Thiago Bergamaschi, and John Preskill

Learning k-body Hamiltonians via compressed sensing

Muzhou Ma1, Steven T. Flammia, John Preskill, and Yu Tong

How to Design a Quantum Streaming Algorithm Without Knowing Anything About Quantum Computing

John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh, Nadezhda Voronova

Predicting adaptively chosen observables in quantum systems

Jerry Huang, Laura Lewis, Hsin-Yuan Huang, John Preskill

Tighter Lower Bounds on Quantum Annealing Times

Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos, Mrunmay Sahasrabudhe, and Christian Arenz

Observation of string-breaking dynamics in a quantum simulator

Arinjoy De, Alessio Lerose, De Luo, Federica M. Surace, Alexander Schuckert, Elizabeth R. Bennewitz, Brayden Ware, William Morong, Kate S. Collins, Zohreh Davoudi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Or Katz and Christopher Monroe

Instability of steady-state mixed-state symmetry-protected topological order to strong-to-weak spontaneous symmetry breaking

Jeet Shah, Christopher Fechisin, Yu-Xin Wang, Joseph T. Iosue, James D. Watson, Yan-Qi Wang, Brayden Ware, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Cheng-Ju Lin

Exponential entanglement advantage in sensing correlated noise

Yu-Xin Wang (王语馨), Jacob Bringewatt, Alireza Seif, Anthony J. Brady, Changhun Oh, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Optimal Conversion from Classical to Quantum Randomness via Quantum Chaos

Wai-Keong Mok, Tobias Haug, Adam L. Shaw, Manuel Endres, and John Preskill

Covariant Quantum Error-Correcting Codes with Metrological Entanglement Advantage

Cheng-Ju Lin, Zi-Wen Liu, Victor V. Albert, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Preserving phase coherence and linearity in cat qubits with exponential bit-flip suppression

Harald Putterman, Kyungjoo Noh, Rishi N. Patel, Gregory A. Peairs, Gregory S. MacCabe, Menyoung Lee, Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi, Connor T. Hann, Ignace Jarrige, Guillaume Marcaud, Yuan He, Hesam Moradinejad, John Clai Owens, Thomas Scaffidi, Patricio Arrangoiz-Arriola, Joe Iverson,1 Harry Levine, Fernando G.S.L. Brand˜ao, Matthew H. Matheny, and Oskar Painter

Hardware-efficient quantum error correction using concatenated bosonic qubits

Harald Putterman, Kyungjoo Noh, Connor T. Hann, Gregory S. MacCabe, Shahriar Aghaeimeibodi, Rishi N. Patel, Menyoung Lee, William M. Jones, Hesam Moradinejad, Roberto Rodriguez, Neha Mahuli, Jefferson Rose, John Clai Owens, Harry Levine, Emma Rosenfeld, Philip Reinhold, Lorenzo Moncelsi, Joshua Ari Alcid, Nasser Alidoust, Patricio Arrangoiz-Arriola, James Barnett, Przemyslaw Bienias, Hugh A. Carson, Cliff Chen, Li Chen, Harutiun Chinkezian, Eric M. Chisholm, Ming-Han Chou, Aashish Clerk, Andrew Clifford, R. Cosmic, Ana Valdes Curiel, Erik Davis, Laura DeLorenzo, J. Mitchell D’Ewart, Art Diky, Nathan D’Souza, Philipp T. Dumitrescu, Shmuel Eisenmann, Essam Elkhouly, Glen Evenbly, Michael T. Fang, Yawen Fang, Matthew J. Fling, Warren Fon, Gabriel Garcia, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Julia A. Grant, Mason J. Gray, Sebastian Grimberg, Arne L. Grimsmo, Arbel Haim, Justin Hand, Yuan He, Mike Hernandez, David Hover, Jimmy S.C. Hung, Matthew Hunt, Joe Iverson, Ignace Jarrige, Jean-Christophe Jaskula, Liang Jiang, Mahmoud Kalaee, Rassul Karabalin, Peter J. Karalekas, Andrew J. Keller, Amirhossein Khalajhedayati, Aleksander Kubica, Hanho Lee, Catherine Leroux, Simon Lieu, Victor Ly, Keven Villegas Madrigal, Guillaume Marcaud, Gavin McCabe, Cody Miles, Ashley Milsted, Joaquin Minguzzi, Anurag Mishra, Biswaroop Mukherjee, Mahdi Naghiloo, Eric Oblepias, Gerson Ortuno, Jason Pagdilao, Nicola Pancotti, Ashley Panduro, JP Paquette, Minje Park, Gregory A. Peairs, David Perello, Eric C. Peterson, Sophia Ponte, John Preskill, Johnson Qiao, Gil Refael, Rachel Resnick, Alex Retzker, Omar A. Reyna, Marcunyan, Colm A. Ryan, Abdulrahman Sahmoud, Ernesto Sanchez, Rohan Sanil, Krishanu Sankar, Yuki Sato, Thomas Scaffidi, Salome Siavoshi, Prasahnt Sivarajah, Trenton Skogland, Chun-Ju Su, Loren J. Swenson, Stephanie M. Teo, Astrid Tomada, Giacomo Torlai, E. Alex Wollack, Yufeng Ye, Jessica A. Zerrudo, Kailing Zhang, Fernando G.S.L. Brand˜ao, Matthew H. Matheny, and Oskar Painter

Generalized geometric speed limits for quantum observables

Jacob Bringewatt, Zach Steffen, Martin A. Ritter, Adam Ehrenberg, Haozhi Wang, B. S. Palmer, Alicia J. Koll´ar, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos

Constrained local Hamiltonians: quantum generalizations of Vertex Cover

Ojas Parekh, Chaithanya Rayudu, and Kevin Thompson

A Sierpinski Triangle Fermion-to-Qubit Transform

Brent Harrison, Mitchell Chiew, Jason Necaise, Andrew Projansky, Sergii Strelchuk,and James D. Whitfield

QHDOPT: A Software for Nonlinear Optimization with Quantum Hamiltonian Descent

Samuel Kushnir, Jiaqi Leng, Yuxiang Peng, Lei Fan, and Xiaodi Wu

Integrating Quantum Computing Resources into Scientific HPC Ecosystems

Thomas Becka, Alessandro Baronia, Ryan Benninkb, Gilles Buchsb, Eduardo Antonio Coello P´ereza, Markus Eisenbacha, Rafael Ferreira da Silvaa, Muralikrishnan Gopalakrishnan Meenaa, Kalyan Gottiparthia, Peter Groszkowskia, Travis S. Humblec, Ryan Landfielda, Ketan Maheshwaria, Sarp Orala, Michael A. Sandovala, Amir Shehataa, In-Saeng Suha, Christopher Zimmer

Quasi-Lindblad pseudomode theory for open quantum systems

Gunhee Park, Zhen Huang, Yuanran Zhu, Chao Yang, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan, and Lin Lin

Using a high-fidelity numerical model to infer the shape of a few-hole Ge quantum dot

Mitchell Brickson, N. Tobias Jacobson, Andrew J. Miller, Leon N. Maurer, Tzu-Ming Lu, Dwight R. Luhman, and Andrew D. Baczewski

Ancillary entangling Floquet kicks for accelerating quantum algorithms

C.-C. Joseph Wang, Phillip C. Lotshaw, Titus Morris, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Daniel Claudino, and Travis S. Humble

End-to-End Protocol for High-Quality QAOA Parameters with Few Shots

Tianyi Hao, Zichang He, Ruslan Shaydulin, Jeffrey Larson, and Marco Pistoia

Quantum Computing Universal Thermalization Dynamics in a (2+1)D Lattice Gauge Theory

Niklas Mueller, Tianyi Wang, Or Katz, Zohreh Davoudi, and Marko Cetina

Effective Many-body Interactions in Reduced-Dimensionality Spaces Through Neural Network Models

Senwei Liang, Karol Kowalski, Chao Yang, Nicholas P. Bauman

Analog Quantum Simulator of a Quantum Field Theory with Fermion-Spin Systems in Silicon

Ali Rad, Alexander Schuckert, Eleanor Crane, Gautam Nambiar, Fan Fei, Jonathan Wyrick, Richard M. Silver, Mohammad Hafezi, Zohreh Davoudi, and Michael J. Gullans

Resilience of the surface code to error bursts

Shi Jie Samuel Tan, Christopher A. Pattison, Matt McEwen, and John Preskill

Operator-based quantum thermodynamic uncertainty relations

Pratik Sathe, Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos, and Francesco Caravelli

Entanglement accelerates quantum simulation

Qi Zhao, You Zhou, and Andrew M. Childs

Universal scaling laws for correlated decay of many-body quantum systems

Wai-Keong Mok, Avishi Poddar, Eric Sierra, Cosimo C. Rusconi, John Preskill, and Ana Asenjo-Garcia

Efficient soft-output decoders for the surface code

Nadine Meister, Christopher A. Pattison, and John Preskill

Efficient unitary designs and pseudorandom unitaries from permutations

Chi-Fang Chen, Adam Bouland, Fernando G.S.L. Brandão, Jordan Docter, Patrick Hayden, and Michelle Xu

Optimal Coherent Quantum Phase Estimation via Tapering

Dhrumil Patel, Shi Jie Samuel Tan, Yi ˘git Subas, and Andrew T. Sornborger

Average Renyi Entanglement Entropy in Gaussian Boson Sampling

Jason Youm, Joseph T. Iosue1, Adam Ehrenberg, Yu-Xin Wang, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Polynomial-Time Classical Simulation of Noisy IQP Circuits with Constant Depth

Joel Rajakumar, James D. Watson, and Yi-Kai Liu

Quantum chaos in the sparse SYK Model

Patrick Orman, Hrant Gharibyan, and John Preskill

The Second Moment of Hafnians in Gaussian Boson Sampling

Adam Ehrenberg, Joseph T. Iosue, Abhinav Deshpande, Dominik Hangleiter, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Efficient and practical Hamiltonian simulation from time-dependent product formulas

Jan Lukas Bosse, Andrew M. Childs, Charles Derby, Filippo Maria Gambetta1, Ashley Montanaro, and Raul A. Santos

Efficiently verifiable quantum advantage on near-term analog quantum simulators

Zhenning Liu, Dhruv Devulapalli, Dominik Hangleiter, Yi-Kai Liu, Alicia J. Koll´ar, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Andrew M. Childs

On the Need for Extensible Quantum Compilers with Verification

Tyler LeBlond, Xiao Xiao, Eugene Dumitrescu, and Ryan Bennink

Requirements for building effective Hamiltonians using quantum-enhanced density matrix downfolding

S. Pathak, A. E. Russo, S. Seritan, A. B. Magann, E. Bobrow, A. J. Landahl, and A. D. Baczewski

Computational supremacy in quantum simulation

Andrew D. King, Alberto Nocera, Marek M. Rams, Jacek Dziarmaga, Roeland Wiersema, William Bernoudy, Jack Raymond, Nitin Kaushal, Niclas Heinsdorf, Richard Harris, Kelly Boothby, Fabio Altomare, Andrew J. Berkley, Martin Boschnak, Kevin Chern, Holly Christiani, Samantha Cibere,Jake Connor, Martin H. Dehn, Rahul Deshpande, Sara Ejtemaee, Pau Farr´e, Kelsey Hamer, Emile Hoskinson, Shuiyuan Huang, Mark W. Johnson, Samuel Kortas, Eric Ladizinsky, Tony Lai, Trevor Lanting, Ryan Li, Allison J.R. MacDonald, Gaelen Marsden, Catherine C. McGeoch, Reza Molavi, Richard Neufeld, Mana Norouzpour, Travis Oh, Joel Pasvolsky, Patrick Poitras, Gabriel Poulin-Lamarre, Thomas Prescott, Mauricio Reis, Chris Rich, Mohammad Samani, Benjamin Sheldan, Anatoly Smirnov, Edward Sterpka, Berta Trullas Clavera, Nicholas Tsai, Mark Volkmann, Alexander Whiticar, Jed D. Whittaker, Warren Wilkinson, Jason Yao, T.J. Yi, Anders W. Sandvik, Gonzalo Alvarez, Roger G. Melko, Juan Carrasquilla, Marcel Franz, and Mohammad H. Amin

An assessment of quantum phase estimation protocols for early fault-tolerant quantum computers

Jacob S. Nelson and Andrew D. Baczewski

The Quantum Abstract Machine

Liyi Li, Le Chang, Rance Cleaveland, Mingwei Zhu, Xiaodi Wu

SPAM-Robust Multi-axis Quantum Noise Spectroscopy in Temporally Correlated Environments

Muhammad Qasim Khan, Wenzheng Dong, Leigh M. Norris, and Lorenza Viola

An Efficient Quantum Circuit for Block Encoding a Pairing Hamiltonian

Diyi Liu, Weijie Du, Lin Lin, James P. Vary, and Chao Yang

Experimental roadmap for optimal state transfer and entanglement generation in power-law systems

Andrew Y. Guo, Jeremy T. Young, Ron Belyansky, Przemyslaw Bienias, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Scattering wave packets of hadrons in gauge theories: Preparation on a quantum computer

Zohreh Davoudi, Chung-Chun Hsieh, Saurabh V. Kadam

Complexity Classification of Product State Problems for Local Hamiltonians

John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson, Yipu Wang, Justin Yirka

An improved Quantum Max Cut approximation via Maximum Matching

Eunou Lee, and Ojas Parekh


Analyzing Convergence in Quantum Neural Networks: Deviations from Neural Tangent Kernels

Xuchen You, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Boyang Chen, and Xiaodi Wu

Association for Computing Machinery, 2024

General quantum algorithms for Hamiltonian simulation with applications to a non-Abelian lattice gauge theory

Zohreh Davoudi, Alexander F. Shaw, Jesse R. Stryker

Quantum, 2023

Inferring quantum network topology using local measurements

Daniel T. Chen, Brian Doolittle, Jeffrey M. Larson, Zain H. Saleem, Eric Chitambar

PRX Quantum, 2023

Differentiable Quantum Programming with Unbounded Loops

Wang Fang, Mingsheng Ying, Xiaodi Wu

ACM Digital Library, 2023

Learning to predict arbitrary quantum processes

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Sitan Chen, and John Preskill

PRX Quantum, 2023

Continuous symmetry breaking in a trapped-ion spin chain

Lei Feng, Or Katz, Casey Haack, Mohammad Maghrebi, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Zhexuan Gong, Marko Cetina, Christopher Monroe

Nature, 2023

Basis set generation and optimization in the NISQ era with Quiqbox.jl

Weishi Wang, James D. Whitfield

Journal Chemical Theory and Computation, 2023

QContext: Context-aware decomposition for quantum gates

Ji Liu, Max Bowman, Pranav Gokhale, Siddharth Dangwal, Jeffrey Larson, Frederic T. Chong, Paul D. Hovland

IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2023

Gene expression programming for quantum computing

Gonzalo Alvarez, Ryan Bennink, Stephan Irle, Jacek Jakowski

ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 2023

Minimum-entanglement protocols for function estimation

Adam Ehrenberg, Jacob Bringewatt, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Research, 2023

Towards quantum computing phase diagrams of gauge theories with thermal pure quantum states

Zohreh Davoudi, Niklas Mueller, and Connor Powers

Physical Review Letters, 2023

Quantum computation of dynamical quantum phase transitions and entanglement tomography in a lattice gauge theory

Niklas Mueller, Joseph A. Carolan, Andrew Connelly, Zohreh Davoudi, Eugene F. Dumitrescu, and Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz

PRX Quantum, 2023

Self-healing of Trotter error in digital adiabatic state preparation

Lucas K. Kovalsky, Fernando A. Calderon-Vargas, Matthew D. Grace, Alicia B. Magann, James B. Larsen, Andrew D. Baczewski, and Mohan Sarovar

Physical Review Letters, 2023

Complexity phase transitions generated by entanglement

Soumik Ghosh, Abhinav Deshpande, Dominik Hangleiter, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Bill Fefferman

Physical Review Letters, 2023

Hardware-Conscious Optimization of the Quantum Toffoli Gate

Max Aksel Bowman, Pranav Gokhale, Jeffrey Larson, Ji Liu, Martin Suchara

ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 2023

Disordered Lieb-Robinson bounds in one dimension

Christopher L. Baldwin, Adam Ehrenberg, Andrew Y. Guo, Alexey V. Gorshkov

PRX Quantum, 2023

Computing the many-body Green’s function with adaptive variational quantum dynamics

Niladri Gomes, David B. Williams-Young, Wibe A. de Jong

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 2023

Page curves and typical entanglement in linear optics

Joseph T. Iosue, Adam Ehrenberg, Dominik Hangleiter, Abhinav Deshpande, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Quantum, 2023

A Formally Certified End-to-End Implementation of Shor’s Factorization Algorithm

Yuxiang Peng, Kesha Hietala1, Runzhou Tao, Liyi Li1, Robert Rand, Michael Hicks, and Xiaodi Wu

PNAS, 2023

Quantum algorithm for estimating volumes of convex bodies

Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Andrew M. Childs, Shih-Han Hung, Tongyang Li, Chunhao Wang, Xiaodi Wu

ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 2023

Is there evidence for exponential quantum advantage in quantum chemistry?

Seunghoon Lee, Joonho Lee, Huanchen Zhai, Yu Tong, Alexander M. Dalzell, Ashutosh Kumar, Phillip Helms, Johnnie Gray, Zhi-Hao Cui, Wenyuan Liu, Michael Kastoryano, Ryan Babbush, John Preskill, David R. Reichman, Earl T. Campbell, Edward F. Valeev, Lin Lin, Garnet Kin-Lic Chan

Nature Communications, 2023

Quantum simulation for high energy physics

Christian W. Bauer, Zohreh Davoudi, A. Baha Balantekin, Tanmoy Bhattacharya, Marcela Carena, Wibe A. de Jong, Patrick Draper, Aida El-Khadra, Nate Gemelke, Masanori Hanada, Dmitri Kharzeev, Henry Lamm, Ying-Ying Li, Junyu Liu, Mikhail Lukin, Yannick Meurice, Christopher Monroe, Benjamin Nachman, Guido Pagano, John Preskill, Enrico Rinaldi, Alessandro Roggero, David I. Santiago, Martin J. Savage, Irfan Siddiqi, George Siopsis, David Van Zanten, Nathan Wiebe, Yukari Yamauchi, Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz, Silvia Zorzetti

PRX Quantum, 2023

Parameter transfer for quantum approximate optimization of weighted MaxCut

Ruslan Shaydulin, Phillip C. Lotshaw, Jeffrey Larson, James Ostrowski, Travis S. Humble

ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing, 2023

Quantum algorithms and the power of forgetting

Andrew M. Childs, Matthew Coudron, Amin Shiraz Gilani

ITCS, 2023

Quantum non-demolition photon counting in a 2d Rydberg atom array

Christopher Fechisin, Kunal Sharma, Przemyslaw Bienias, Steven L. Rolston, J. V. Porto, Michael J. Gullans, Alexey V. Gorshkov

SPIE, 2023

Advantages and limitations of quantum routing

Aniruddha Bapat, Andrew M. Childs, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Eddie Schoute

PRX Quantum, 2023

Binary control pulse optimization for quantum systems

Xinyu Fei, Lucas T. Brady, Jeffrey Larson, Sven Leyffer, Siqian Shen

Quantum, 2023

Exploring finite temperature properties of materials with quantum computers

Connor Powers, Lindsay Bassman, Daan Camps, Wibe A. de Jong

Scientific Reports, 2023

Synergies between operations research and quantum information science

Ojas Parekh

INFORMS Journal on Computing, 2023

Lower Bounds on Quantum Annealing Times

Luis Pedro Garc´ıa-Pintos, Lucas T. Brady, Jacob Bringewatt, and Yi-Kai Liu

Physical Review Letters, 2023

Transition of Anticoncentration in Gaussian Boson Sampling

Adam Ehrenberg, Joseph T. Iosue, Abhinav Deshpande, Dominik Hangleiter, and Alexey V. Gorshkov

Quantum algorithms for simulating nuclear effective field theories

James D. Watson, Jacob Bringewatt1, Alexander F. Shaw, Andrew M. Childs, Alexey V. Gorshkov1, and Zohreh Davoudi

Quantum algorithm for linear non-unitary dynamics with near-optimal dependence on all parameters

Dong An, Andrew M. Childs, Lin Lin

Stochastic error cancellation in analog quantum simulation

Yiyi Cai, Yu Tong, John Preskill

A Quantum Central Path Algorithm for Linear Optimization

Brandon Augustino, Jiaqi Leng, Giacomo Nannicini, Tamás Terlaky, and Xiaodi Wu

A Quantum-Classical Performance Separation in Nonconvex Optimization

Jiaqi Leng, Yufan Zheng, and Xiaodi Wu

An Uncertainty Principle for the Curvelet Transform, and the Infeasibility of Quantum Algorithms for Finding Short Lattice Vectors

Yi-Kai Liu

Non-equilibrium critical scaling and universality in a quantum simulator

A. De, P. Cook, K. Collins, W. Morong, D. Paz, P. Titum, G. Pagano, A. V. Gorshkov, M. Maghrebi, C. Monroe

Fault-tolerant hyperbolic Floquet quantum error correcting codes

Ali Fahimniya, Hossein Dehghani, Kishor Bharti, Sheryl Mathew, Alicia J. Kollár, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Michael J. Gullans

Bounds on autonomous quantum error correction

Ohles Shtanko, Yu-Jie Liu, Simon Lieu, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Victor V. Albert

An SU(2)-symmetric Semidefinite Programming Hierarchy for Quantum Max Cut

Jun Takahashi, Chaithanya Rayudu, Cunlu Zhou, Robbie King, Kevin Thompson, Ojas Parekh

A hybrid method for quantum dynamics simulation

Niladri Gomes, Jia Yin, Siyuan Niu, Chao Yang, and Wibe Albert de Jong

Improved digital quantum simulation by non-unitary channels

W. Gong, Yaroslav Kharkov, Minh C. Tran, Przemyslaw Bienias, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Variational quantum regression algorithm with encoded data structure

C.-C. Joseph Wang, Ryan S. Bennink

Identifying overparameterization in Quantum Circuit Born Machines

Andrea Delgado, Francisco Rios, Kathleen E. Hamilton

Topological zero modes and edge symmetries of metastable Markovian bosonic systems

Vincent P. Flynn, Emilio Cobanera, Lorenza Viola

On the unimportance of memory for the time non-local components of the Kadanoff-Baym equations

Cian C. Reeves, Yuanran Zhu, Chao Yang, Vojtech Vlcek

Efficient quantum linear solver algorithm with detailed running costs

David Jennings, Matteo Lostaglio, Sam Pallister, Andrew T Sornborger, Yiğit Subaşı

A sharp phase transition in linear cross-entropy benchmarking

Brayden Ware, Abhinav Deshpande, Dominik Hangleiter, Pradeep Niroula, Bill Fefferman, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Michael J. Gullans

Entanglement renormalization circuits for chiral topological order

Su-Kuan Chu, Guanyu Zhu, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Hierarchical memories: Simulating quantum LDPC codes with local gates

Christopher A. Pattison, Anirudh Krishna, John Preskill

Simulating quantum error mitigation in fermionic encodings

Riley W. Chien, Kanav Setia, Xavier Bonet-Monroig, Mark Steudtner, James D. Whitfield

Quantum Hamiltonian Descent

Jiaqi Leng, Ethan Hickman, Joseph Li, Xiaodi Wu

Random pulse sequences for qubit noise spectroscopy

Kaixin Huang, Demitry Farfurnik, Alireza Seif, Mohammad Hafezi, Yi-Kai Liu

Improved Approximations for Extremal Eigenvalues of Sparse Hamiltonians

Daniel Hothem, Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson


Verified Compilation of Quantum Oracles

Liyi Li, Finn Voichick, Kesha Hietala, Yuxiang, Peng, Xiaodi Wu, Michael Hicks

ACM Digital Library, 2022

Algebraic Reasoning of Quantum Programs via Non-idempotent Kleene Algebra

Yuxiang, Peng, Mingsheng Ying, Xiaodi Wu

ACM Digital Library, 2022

Time-energy uncertainty relation for noisy quantum metrology

Philippe Faist, Mischa P. Woods, Victor V. Albert, Joseph M. Renes, Jens Eisert, John Preskill

Presented at QIM, 2021

Low rank approximation in simulations of quantum algorithms

Linjian Ma, Chao Yang

Journal of Computational Science, 2022

Quantum Markov chain Monte Carlo with driven dissipative dynamics on quantum computers

Mekena Metcalf, Emma Stone, Katherine Klymko, Alexander F. Kemper, Mohan Sarovar, Wibe A. de Jong

Quantum Science and Technology, 2022

Unique Games hardness of Quantum Max-Cut, and a vector-valued Borell’s inequality

Yeongwoo Hwang, Joe Neeman, Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson, John Wright

Presented at FOCS, 2022

Optimizing frequency allocation for fixed-frequency superconducting quantum processors

Alexis Morvan, Larry Chen, Jeffrey M. Larson, David I. Santiago, Irfan Siddiqi

Physical Review Research, 2022

Candidate for a passively protected quantum memory in two dimensions

Simon Lieu, Yu-Jie Liu, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Letters

Multiangle QAOA Does Not Always Need All Its Angles

Kaiyan Shi, Rebekah Herrman, Ruslan Shaydulin, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, Marco Pistoia, Jeffrey Larson

Presented at SEC, 2022

Electronic structure in a fixed basis is QMA-complete

Bryan O’Gorman, Sandy Irani, James Whitfield, Bill Fefferman

PRX Quantum, 2022

Tight bounds on the convergence of noisy random circuits to the uniform distribution

Abhinav Deshpande, Pradeep Niroula, Oles Shtanko, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Bill Fefferman, Michael J. Gullans

PRX Quantum, 2022

Importance of the spectral gap in estimating ground-state energies

Abhinav Deshpande, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Bill Fefferman

PRX Quantum, 2022

Feedback-based quantum optimization

Alicia B. Magann, Kenneth M. Rudinger, Matthew D. Grace, Mohan Sarovar

Physical Review Letters, 2022

Lyapunov-control-inspired strategies for quantum combinatorial optimization

Alicia B. Magann, Kenneth M. Rudinger, Matthew D. Grace, Mohan Sarovar

Physical Review A, 2022

Unsupervised quantum circuit learning in high energy physics

Andrea Delgado, Kathleen E. Hamilton

Physical Review D, 2022

Quantum simulation of real-space dynamics

Andrew M. Childs, Jiaqi Leng, Tongyang Li, Jin-Peng Liu, Chenyi Zhang

Quantum, 2022

Characterizing error mitigation by symmetry verification in QAOA

Ashish Kakkar, Jeffrey Larson, Alexey Galda, Ruslan Shaydulin

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2022

Tweezer-programmable 2D quantum walks in a Hubbard-regime lattice

Aaron W. Young, William J. Eckner, Nathan Schine, Andrew M. Childs, Adam M. Kaufman

Science, 2022

Monitoring-induced entanglement entropy and sampling complexity

Mathias Van Regemortel, Oles Shtanko, Luis Pedro Garcia-Pintos, Abhinav Deshpande, Hossein Dehghani, Alexey V. Gorshkov, Mohammad Hafezi

Physical Review Research, 2022

Quantum advantage in learning from experiments

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Michael Broughton, Jordan Cotler, Sitan Chen, Jerry Li, Masoud Mohseni, Hartmut Neven, Ryan Babbush, Richard Kueng, John Preskill, Jarrod R. McClean

Science, 2022

Thermalization of gauge theories from their entanglement spectrum

Niklas Mueller, Torsten V. Zache, Robert Ott

Physical Review Letters, 2022

Layer VQE: A variational approach for combinatorial optimization on noisy quantum computers

Xiaoyuan Liu, Anthony Angone, Ruslan Shaydulin, Ilya Safro, Yuri Alexeev, Lukasz Cincio

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2022

Collisions of false-vacuum bubble walls in a quantum spin chain

Ashley Milsted, Junyu Liu, John Preskill, and Guifre Vidal

PRX Quantum, 2022

Provably efficient machine learning for quantum many-body problems

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, Giacomo Torlai, Victor V. Albert, John Preskill

Science, 2022

Provably accurate simulation of gauge theories and bosonic systems

Yu Tong, Victor V. Albert, Jarrod R. McClean, John Preskill, Yuan Su

Quantum, 2022

Efficient product formulas for commutators and applications to quantum simulation

Yu-An Chen, Andrew M. Childs, Mohammad Hafezi, Zhang Jiang, Hwanmun Kim, Yijia Xu

Physical Review Research, 2021

Random quantum circuits anticoncentrate in log depth

Alexander M. Dalzell, Nicholas Hunter-Jones, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão

Presented at QIP, 2021; PRX Quantum, 2022

A quantum advantage for a natural streaming problem

John Kallaugher

Presented at FOCS, 2021

Toward Exploring Phase Diagrams of Gauge Theories on Quantum Computers with Thermal Pure Quantum States

Zohreh Davoudi, Niklas Mueller, Connor Powers

Presented at Lattice, 2022

Qafny: A Quantum-Program Verifier

Liyi Li, Rance Cleaveland, Yi Lee, Xiaodi Wu

Reducing the qubit requirement of Jordan-Wigner encodings of N -mode, K-fermion systems from N to ⌈log2 N K ⌉

Brent Harrison, Dylan Nelson, Daniel Adamiak, James Whitfield

Quantum Algorithms for Sampling Log-Concave Distributions and Estimating Normalizing Constants

Andrew M. Childs, Tongyang Li, Jin-Peng Liu, Chunhao Wang, Ruizhe Zhang

Presented at NeurIPS, 2022

Quantum divide and conquer

Andrew M. Childs, Robin Kothari, Matt Kovacs-Deak, Aarthi Sundaram, Daochen Wang

Quantum computation of dynamical quantum phase transitions and entanglement tomography in a lattice gauge theory

Niklas Mueller, Joseph A. Carolan, Andrew Connelly, Zohreh Davoudi, Eugene F. Dumitrescu, Kübra Yeter-Aydeniz

Ultrastrong light-matter interaction in a multimode photonic crystal

Andrei Vrajitoarea, Ron Belyansky, Rex Lundgren, Seth Whitsitt, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Andrew A. Houck

Toward Quantum Computing Phase Diagrams of Gauge Theories with Thermal Pure Quantum States

Zohreh Davoudi, Niklas Mueller, Connor Powers

Counting Abelian squares for a problem in quantum computing

Ryan S. Bennink

Re-QGAN: an optimized adversarial quantum circuit learning framework

Sandra Nguemto, Vicente Leyton-Ortega

An Optimal Product-State Approximation for 2-Local Quantum Hamiltonians with Positive Terms

Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson

Presented at QIP, 2022

Simulation complexity of many-body localized systems

Adam Ehrenberg, Abhinav Deshpande, Christopher L. Baldwin, Dmitry A. Abanin, Alexey V. Gorshkov

A Converegence Theory for Over-Parameterized Variational Quantum Eigensolvers

Xuchen You, Shouvanik Chakrabarti, and Xiaodi Wu

A near-term quantum algorithm for solving linear systems of equations based on the Woodbury identity

D. O’Malley1, J. M. Henderson, E. Pelofske, S. Greer, Y. Suba, J. K. Golden, R. Lowrie, S. Eidenbenz

Foundations for learning from noisy quantum experiments

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Steven T. Flammia, John Preskill

Counting abelian squares more efficiently

Ryan S. Bennink

Explicit Quantum Circuits for Block Encodings of Certain Sparse Matrices

Daan Camps, Lin Lin, Roel Van Beeumen, Chao Yang

Quantum algorithms from fluctuation theorems: Thermal-state preparation

Zoe Holmes, Gopikrishnan Muraleedharan, Rolando D. Somma, Yigit Subasi, Burak Şahinoğlu

Quantum computing 2022

James D. Whitfield, Jun Yan, Weishi Wang, Joshuah T. Heath, Brent Harrison

Presented at SMTA, 2022

Challenges for quantum computation of nonlinear dynamical systems using linear representations

Yen Ting Lin, Robert B. Lowrie, Denis Aslangil, Yiğit Subaşı and Andrew T. Sornborger


Topology by dissipation: Majorana bosons in metastable quadratic Markovian dynamics

Vincent P. Flynn, Emilio Cobanera, Lorenza Viola

Physical Review Letters, 2021

Clifford circuit optimization with templates and symbolic Pauli gates

Sergey Bravyi, Ruslan Shaydulin, Shaohan Hu, Dmitri Maslov

Quantum, 2021

Entanglement spheres and a UV-IR connection in effective field theories

Natalie Klco, Martin J. Savage

Physical Review Letters, 2021

Fast-forwarding quantum evolution

Shouzhen Gu, Rolando D. Somma, Burak Şahinoğlu

Quantum, 2021

QAOAKit: A Toolkit for Reproducible Study, Application, and Verification of the QAOA

Ruslan Shaydulin, Kunal Marwaha, Jonathan Wurtz, Phillip C. Lotshaw

Presented at QCS, 2021

High-precision quantum algorithms for partial differential equations

Andrew M. Childs, Jin-Peng Liu, Aaron Ostrander

Quantum, 2021

Classical symmetries and the quantum approximate optimization algorithm

Ruslan Shaydulin, Stuart Hadfield, Tad Hogg, Ilya Safro

Quantum Information Processing, 2021

Error mitigation for deep quantum optimization circuits by leveraging problem symmetries

Ruslan Shaydulin, Alexey Galda

Presented at QCE, 2021

Concentration for random product formulas

Chi-Fang Chen, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, Joel A. Tropp

PRX Quantum, 2021

Simulating quantum materials with digital quantum computers

Lindsay Bassman, Miroslav Urbanek, Mekena Metcalf, Jonathan Carter, Alexander F. Kemper, Wibe A. de Jong

Quantum Science and Technology, 2021

Complexity of fermionic dissipative interactions and applications to quantum computing

Oles Shtanko, Abhinav Deshpande, Paul S. Julienne, Alexey V. Gorshkov

PRX Quantum

Quantum simulation of open quantum systems in heavy-ion collisions

Wibe A. de Jong, Mekena Metcalf, James Mulligan, Mateusz Płoskoń, Felix Ringer, and Xiaojun Yao

Physical Review D, 2021

Beating random assignment for approximating quantum 2-local Hamiltonian problems

Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson

Presented at ESA, 2021

Efficient quantum algorithm for dissipative nonlinear differential equations

Jin-Peng Liu, Herman Øie Kolden, Hari K. Krovi, Nuno F. Loureiro, Konstantina Trivisa, Andrew M. Childs

Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, 2021

Holographic boundary states and dimensionally reduced braneworld spacetimes

Stefano Antonini and Brian Swingle

Physical Review D, 2021

Dissipative encoding of quantum information

G. Baggio, F. Ticozzi, P.D. Johnson, Lorenza Viola

Quantum Information and Computation, 2021

Hamiltonian simulation in the low energy subspace

Burak Şahinoğlu, Rolando D. Somma

Presented at QIP, 2021; npj Quantum Information, 2021

How a quantum computer could quantify uncertainty in microkinetic models

Alejandro Becerra, Anand Prabhu, Mary Sharmila Rongali, Sri Charan Simha Velpur, Bert Debusschere, Eric A. Walker

Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021

Efficient estimation of Pauli observables by derandomization

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill

Physical Review Letters, 2021

Application of the level-2 quantum Lasserre hierarchy in quantum approximation algorithms

Ojas Parekh, Kevin Thompson

Presented at ICALP, 2021

Fast and robust quantum state tomography from few basis measurements

Daniel Stilck França, Fernando G. S. L. Brandão, Richard Kueng

Presented at TQC, 2021

Digital quantum simulation of molecular dynamics and control

Alicia B. Magann, Matthew D. Grace, Herschel A. Rabitz, and Mohan Sarovar

Physical Review Research, 2021

Evaluating energy differences on a quantum computer with robust phase estimation

A.E. Russo, K.M. Rudinger, B.C.A. Morrison, A.D. Baczewski

Physical Review Letters, 2021

Information-theoretic bounds on quantum advantage in machine learning

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, and John Preskill

Physical Review Letters, 2021

A Trailhead for quantum simulation of SU(3) Yang-Mills lattice gauge theory in the local multiplet basis

Anthony Ciavarella, Natalie Klco, Martin J. Savage

Physical Review D, 2021

CutQC: Using small quantum computers for large quantum circuit evaluations

Wei Tang, Teague Tomesh, Martin Suchara, Jeffrey Larson, Margaret Martonosi

Presented at ASPLOS, 2021

Consistency testing for robust phase estimation

Antonio E. Russo, William M. Kirby, Kenneth M. Rudinger, Andrew D. Baczewski, Shelby Kimmel

Physical Review A, 2021

Single-particle digitization strategy for quantum computation of a φ4 scalar field theory

João Barata, Niklas Mueller, Andrey Tarasov, Raju Venugopalan

Physical Review A, 2021

Temperature-dependent energy diffusion in chaotic spin chains

Cristian Zanoci, Brian Swingle

Physical Review B, 2021

Exploiting symmetry reduces the cost of training qaoa

Ruslan Shaydulin, Stefan M. Wild

IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2021

Computing partition functions in the one-clean-qubit model

Anirban N. Chowdhury, Rolando D. Somma, Yigit Subasi

Physical Review A, 2021

Limitations of Hartree–Fock with quantum resources

Sahil Gulania, James D. Whitfield

Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021

Complexity of quantum state verification in the quantum linear systems problem

Rolando D. Somma, Yigit Subasi

PRX Quantum, 2021

From pulses to circuits and back again: A quantum optimal control perspective on variational quantum algorithms

Alicia B. Magann, Christian Arenz, Matthew D. Grace, Tak-San Ho, Robert L. Kosut, Jarrod R. McClean, Herschel A. Rabitz, and Mohan Sarovar

PRX Quantum, 2021

Quantum exploration algorithms for multi-armed bandits

Daochen Wang, Xuchen You, Tongyang Li, Andrew M. Childs

Presented at AAAI, 2021

An explicit vector algorithm for high-girth MaxCut

Jessica K. Thompson, Ojas Parekh, Kunal Marwaha

SOSA 2021

Post-quantum security of the even-Mansour cipher

Gorjan Alagic, Chen Bai, Jonathan Katz, Christian Majenz

Importance of kernel bandwidth in quantum machine learning

Ruslan Shaydulin, Stefan M. Wild

Mode connectivity in the QCBM loss landscape

Kathleen E. Hamilton, Emily Lynn, Vicente Leyton-Ortega, Swarnadeep Majumder, Raphael C. Pooser

ICCAD 2021

Mode connectivity in the loss landscape of parameterized quantum circuits

Kathleen E. Hamilton, Emily Lynn, Raphael C. Pooser

QTML, 2020

Hamiltonian simulation with random inputs

Qi Zhao, You Zhou, Alexander F. Shaw, Tongyang Li, Andrew M. Childs

Discovering hydrodynamic equations of many-body quantum systems

Yaroslav Kharkov, Oles Shtanko, Alireza Seif, Przemyslaw Bienias, Mathias Van Regemortel, Mohammad Hafezi, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Quantum thermalization of gauge theories: chaos, turbulence and universality

Niklas Mueller, Torsten V. Zache, Robert Ott

Presented at LATTICE, 2021

Exponentially Many Local Minima in Quantum Neural Networks

Xuchen You, Xiaodi Wu

LEAP: Scaling numerical optimization based synthesis using an incremental approach

Ethan Smith, Marc G. Davis Jeffrey M. Larson Ed Younis, Wim Lavrijsen, Costin Iancu

Shearing approach to gauge invariant Trotterization

Jesse R. Stryker

Lookahead acquisition functions for finite-horizon time-dependent Bayesian optimization and application to quantum optimal control

S. Ashwin Renganathan, Jeffrey Larson, Stefan M. Wild

Computing free energies with fluctuation relations on quantum computers

Lindsay Bassman, Katherine Klymko, Diyi Liu, Norman M. Tubman, Wibe A. de Jong

Quantum query complexity with matrix-vector products

Andrew M. Childs, Shih-Han Hung, Tongyang Li

Presented at ICALP, 2021


Symmetry breaking and error correction in open quantum systems

Simon Lieu, Ron Belyansky, Jeremy T. Young, Rex Lundgren, Victor V. Albert, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Letters, 2020

Symmetries, graph properties, and quantum speedups

Shalev Ben-David, Andrew M. Childs, András Gilyén, William Kretschmer, Supartha Podder, Daochen Wang

Presented at FOCS, 2020; QIP, 2021

Mixed state entanglement from local randomized measurements

Andreas Elben, Richard Kueng, Hsin-Yuan Huang, Rick van Bijnen, Christian Kokail, Marcello Dalmonte, Pasquale Calabrese, Barbara Kraus, John Preskill, Peter Zoller, and Benoît Vermersch

Physical Review Letters, 2020

Simulating Large Quantum Circuits on a Small Quantum Computer

Tianyi Peng, Aram W. Harrow, Maris Ozols, and Xiaodi Wu

Physical Review Letters, 2020

Squaring the fermion: The threefold way and the fate of zero modes

Qiao-Ru Xu, Vincent P. Flynn, Abhijeet Alase, Emilio Cobanera, Lorenza Viola, and Gerardo Ortiz

Physical Review B, 2020

Quantum algorithms for simulating the lattice Schwinger model

Alexander F. Shaw, Pavel Lougovski, Jesse R. Stryker, Nathan Wiebe

Quantum, 2020

Predicting many properties of a quantum system from very few measurements

Hsin-Yuan Huang, Richard Kueng, John Preskill

Nature Physics, 2020

Destructive error interference in product-formula lattice simulation

Minh C. Tran, Su-Kuan Chu, Yuan Su, Andrew M. Childs, Alexey V. Gorshkov

Physical Review Letters, 2020

An approximation algorithm for the MAX-2-Local Hamiltonian problem

Sean Hallgren, Eunou Lee, Ojas Parekh

Presented at QIP, 2020; APPROX, 2020

Theory of Trotter error with commutator scaling

Andrew M. Childs, Yuan Su, Minh C. Tran, Nathan Wiebe, Shuchen Zhu

Presented at QIP, 2020; PRX Quantum, 2021

Restoring number conservation in quadratic bosonic Hamiltonians with dualities

Vincent P. Flynn, Emilio Cobanera, Lorenza Viola

Europhysics Letters, 2020

Non-interactive classical verification of quantum computation

Gorjan Alagic, Andrew M. Childs, Alex B. Grilo, Shih-Han Hung

Presented at TCC, 2020

Quantum coupon collector

Srinivasan Arunachalam, Aleksandrs Belovs, Andrew M. Childs, Robin Kothari, Ansis Rosmanis, Ronald de Wolf

Presented at TQC, 2020

Impossibility of quantum virtual black-box obfuscation of classical circuits

Gorjan Alagic, Zvika Brakerski, Yfke Dulek, Christian Schaffner

Presented at QCrypt, 2020

Efficient simulation of random states and random unitaries

Gorjan Alagic, Christian Majenz, Alexander Russell

Presented at EUROCRYPT, 2020

Optimal Strategies for Optical Quantum Memories Using Long-Lived Noble-Gas Spins

Or Katz, Eran Reches, Roy Shaham, Eilon Poem, Alexey V. Gorshkov, and Ofer Firstenberg

Operator sampling for shot-frugal optimization in variational algorithms

Andrew Arrasmith, Lukasz Cincio, Rolando D. Somma, Patrick J. Coles


Complexity phase diagram for interacting and long-range bosonic Hamiltonians

Nishad Maskara, Abhinav Deshpande, Adam Ehrenberg, Minh C. Tran, Bill Fefferman, Alexey V. Gorshkov