John Kallaugher
R&D S&E, Computer Science

R&D S&E, Computer Science
Sandia National Laboratories, New Mexico
P.O. Box 5800
Albuquerque, NM 87185-1327
John is a theoretical computer scientist working on problems at the intersection of quantum and sublinear algorithms. Particular interests include quantum streaming algorithms, Hamiltonian sparsification, and provable techniques for characterizing quantum devices.
John earned an MMath in Mathematics from Oxford University in 2012. He completed his PhD in Computer Science at UT Austin in 2021, under the supervision of Eric Price. His dissertation was on “Models of Streaming Computation”.
- John Kallaugher, Ojas Parekh
The Quantum and Classical Streaming Complexity of Quantum and Classical Max-Cut
FOCS 2022 - Ashish Chiplunkar, John Kallaugher, Michael Kapralov, Eric Price
Factorial Lower Bounds for (Almost) Random Order Streams
FOCS 2022 - John Kallaugher, Michael Kapralov, Eric Price
Simulating Random Walks in Random Streams
SODA 2022 - John Kallaugher
A Quantum Advantage for a Natural Streaming Problem
FOCS 2021 - Rajesh Jayaram, John Kallaugher
An Optimal Algorithm for Triangle Counting in the Stream
APPROX 2021 - John Kallaugher, Eric Price
Separations and Equivalences between Turnstile Streaming and Linear Sketching
STOC 2020 - John Kallaugher, Andrew McGregor, Eric Price, Sofya Vorotnikova
The Complexity of Counting Cycles in the Adjacency List Streaming Model
PODS 2019 - John Kallaugher, Michael Kapralov, Eric Price
The Sketching Complexity of Graph and Hypergraph Counting
FOCS 2018 - John Kallaugher, Eric Price
A Hybrid Sampling Scheme for Triangle Counting
SODA 2017